1896-1910 |

No, I’m not offering up a dating service for lonely canners. I’m talking about finding a way to put a realistic date on these old jars we are sometimes lucky enough to find in old barns, yard sales, and antique markets. I came across a webpage that said one was from the early 1900’s and another that said the same jar was 1970’s issue. I did find a rather informative site that explains how to date jars by the way the wording is inscribed
http://home.earthlink.net/~rclayDatingBalljars.HTML .I don’t think this is a post that I will be able to complete quickly and leave it; I think this will be an ongoing post that will be edited as often as I find new material. What I would like, is to have a post with many photos of jars and an age or approximate age. Not so much as a how much is my jar worth kinda thing, but wow I have really old jars thing. I have found out about The Collectors Guide To Old Fruit Jars Redbook No. 10 for people who would like to sell their jars to price them accordingly which can be found be going to www.redbookjars.com. If anyone has super old jars they would like to share….send them in and I’ll post them here.

1910-1923 |
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