Thursday, June 28, 2012

Canning: Things To Remember

1. It goes without saying that the quality of ingredients you use for your home canned goods will reflect the taste of the creation you have made.
2. By using fresh pectin, you can ensure you get a good gel in your jams and jellies.
3. Always wipe the rims of canning jars before and after processing with a clean, damp cloth to ensure there are no food particles that could lead to fluid siphoning and poor seals.
4. Never use rusted or bent bands as they can prevent a good seal on your jars.
5. Remove bands before storing jars to prevent them from rusting.
6. Remember to use proper headspace to ensure good seals.
                                                        ¼ Inch- Jams & Jellies
                                                        ½ Inch- Fruits & Tomatoes
       1-1 ¼ Inch- Low Acid Pressure Canned Items
7. Never place a hot jar on a cold surface or in the refrigerator. They will crack or bust.
8. Never taste suspicious foods, although this is good general advice I should specify, never taste home processed canned suspicious foods. If something has spoiled, detoxify the jar and contents by placing the entire jar in a boiling water bath canner; bring contents to a boil, dispose of carefully so it is not consumed by humans or animals. Be sure to also dispose of wash cloths that came in contact with the spoiled jar.
9. Always refrigerate jars after opening.

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